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Kunsthal, Rotterdam
Max Pechstein, Expression of Harmony 28.03 - 15.06, 2025 On the occasion of the exhibition : Max Pechstein, Expression of Harmony, Bailly Gallery is happy to lend Max Pechstein's... اقرأ أكثر -
Courtauld Gallery, London
Seurat and the Sea 13.02 - 17.05. 2026 بمناسبة المعرض “سيورات والبحر”، يسعد معرض بايلي إعارة لوحة جورج سيورات “مارين، غرانكامب” إلى معرض كورتولد في لندن، من 13... اقرأ أكثر -
Musée de Montmartre, Paris
Maximilien Luce 21.03 - 14.09, 2025 On the occasion of the exhibition : Maximilien Luce, Bailly Gallery is happy to lend Maximilien Luce's painting 'La Seine... اقرأ أكثر -
Städel Museul
Étretat, la Fabrique d'un paysage mythe 19.03 - 05.07, 2026 On the occasion of the exhibition : Étretat, la Fabrique d'un paysage mythe, Bailly Gallery is happy to lend Félix... اقرأ أكثر
Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon
Étretat, La Fabrique d'un paysage mythe 29.11, 2025 - 01.03, 2026 On the occasion of the exhibition : Étretat, la Fabrique d'un paysage mythe, Bailly Gallery is happy to lend Félix... اقرأ أكثر -
Musée de Pont Aven, France
Les femmes à l'œuvre chez les Nabis de fil en aiguille 22.06 - 03.11, 2024 On the occasion of the exhibition : Les femmes à l'œuvre chez les Nabis de fil en aiguille, Bailly Gallery... اقرأ أكثر -
Musée de Montmartre, Paris
Auguste Herbin (1882-1960), le Maître oublié 15.03 - 15.09, 2024 On the occasion of the exhibition : Auguste Herbin (1882-1960), le Maître oublié, Bailly Gallery is happy to lend Auguste... اقرأ أكثر -
Musée de l'Annonciade, Saint-Tropez
Cross dans la lumière du Var, le plus beau pays du monde 10.07 - 14.11, 2023 On the occasion of this exhibition, Bailly Gallery is happy to lend Henri Edmond Cross' work «La Toilette» (circa 1902-1905)... اقرأ أكثر
Centre Pompidou, Paris
Rétrospective : Picasso Dessinateur May 15, 2023 On the occasion of this exhibition, Bailly Gallery is happy to lend Pablo Picasso''s work «Tête de jeune homme barbu»... اقرأ أكثر -
Singer Laren, Netherlands
Kees van Dongen . Durf en Verleiding 17.01 - 07.05, 2023 On the occasion of this exhibition, Bailly Gallery is happy to lend Kees van Dongen''s works «Le retour de bal,... اقرأ أكثر -
Musée Bonnard, Le Cannet
Enfance rêvée : Bonnard, les nabis et l'enfance 02.07 - 06.11, 2022 On the occasion of the exhibition: 'Enfance rêvée. Bonnard, les nabis et l''enfance', Bailly Gallery is happy to lend Félix... اقرأ أكثر -
Fondation de l'Hermitage de Lausanne
Achille Laugé : le néo-impressionnisme dans la lumière du Sud 24.06 - 30.10, 2022 On the occasion of this exhibition, Bailly Gallery is happy to lend Achille Laugé''s work « Le Chemin bordé de... اقرأ أكثر
Fondation pour la culture et les civilisations du vin de Bordeaux
Picasso et le Vin 15.04 - 28.08, 2022 On the occasion of this exhibition, Bailly Gallery is happy to lend Pablo Picasso''s work «Nature morte» (1953) à la... اقرأ أكثر -
BOZAR of Brussels, Belgium
Exposition 18.02 - 15.05, 2022 On the occasion of this exhibition, Bailly Gallery is happy to lend Pierre Bonnard''s work « Maison du peintre au... اقرأ أكثر -
Musée Bonnard, Le Cannet
Les Enfants de Bonnard - Balthus, Bazaine, Rothko / 30.10, 2021 - 30.01, 2022 On the occasion of the exhibition: 'Les Enfants de Bonnard - Balthus, Bazaine, Rothko', Bailly Gallery is happy to lend... اقرأ أكثر -
Musée de la Corse, Corte
1898 : Matisse en Corse, un pays merveilleux 01.07 - 01.10, 2021 On the occasion of the exhibition: 1898 Matisse en Corse, un pays merveilleux, Bailly Gallery is happy to lend Henri... اقرأ أكثر
Musée des Impressionismes, Giverny
Côté jardin. De Monet à Bonnard 01.04 - 01.11, 2021 On the occasion of the exhibition: Côté jardin. De Monet à Bonnard , Bailly Gallery is happy to lend Alfred... اقرأ أكثر -
Musée de Montmartre, Paris
Le Paris de Raoul Dufy 05.03, 2021 - 02.01, 2022 On the occasion of the exhibition: Le Paris de Raoul Dufy, Bailly Gallery is happy to lend Raoul Dufy''s work... اقرأ أكثر -
Musée Cantonal des Beaux-Arts de Lausanne
Maurice Denis . Amour 11.02 - 16.05, 2021 On the occasion of the exhibition: Maurice Denis . Amour, Bailly Gallery is happy to lend two art pieces by... اقرأ أكثر -
Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rouen
Léon Jules Lemaître : Par les rues de Rouen 11.07, 2020 - 18.01, 2021 On the occasion of the exhibition: Léon Jules Lemaître (1850-1905) : Par les rues de Rouen, Bailly Gallery is happy... اقرأ أكثر
Mitsubishi Ichigokan Museum, Tokyo
Dreamed childhoods - Bonnard, the Nabis and childhood 15.02 - 07.06, 2020 On the occasion of the exhibition: 'Dreamed childhoods - Bonnard, the Nabis and childhood', Bailly Gallery is happy to lend... اقرأ أكثر -
Musée de Vernon, France
Edouard Vuillard & Ker-Xavier Roussel : portraits de famille 06.07 - 03.11, 2019 On the occasion of the exhibition: Edouard Vuillard & Ker-Xavier Roussel : portraits de famille, Bailly Gallery is happy to... اقرأ أكثر -
Musée de l'Orangerie, Paris
Félix Fénéon, Les temps nouveaux : de Seurat à Matisse 28.05 - 29.09, 2019 Bailly Gallery is proud to loan an oil on canvas by Théo Van Rysselberghe dated 1903 and titled 'Nu', dedicated... اقرأ أكثر -
Musée du Quai Branly - Jacques Chirac, Paris
Félix Fénéon (1861-1944), Les Arts lointains 28.05 - 29-09, 2019 Bailly Gallery is proud to loan an oil on canvas by Théo Van Rysselberghe dated 1903 and titled 'Nu', dedicated... اقرأ أكثر
Museum Barberini, Postdam
Color & Light : The Neo-Impressionist Henri-Edmond Cross 17.11, 2018 - 17.02, 2019 Bailly Gallery is pleased to lend the art piece 'Village on the Mediterranean Sea, Eze' by Henri-Edmond Cross from 1887... اقرأ أكثر -
Musée d'Orsay, Paris
Notable Sale Sep 13, 2018 اقرأ أكثر -
Musée des Impressionismes, Giverny
Henri-Edmond Cross : Peindre le bonheur / 27.07 - 04.11, 2018 Bailly Gallery is pleased to lend the art piece 'Village on the Mediterranean Sea, Eze' by Henri-Edmond Cross, from 1887... اقرأ أكثر -
Thyssen Museum, Madrid
Monet-Boudin 26.06 - 30.09, 2018 Bailly Gallery is pleased to lend the art pieces from Claude Monet, 'Le phare de l''hospice à Honfleur' from 1865,... اقرأ أكثر
Jacquemart-André Museum, Paris
Mary Cassatt, un américaine à Paris 09.03 - 23.07, 2018 Bailly Gallery is pleased to lend art pieces by Mary Cassatt, with an oil on canvas, circa 1909, 'Femme en... اقرأ أكثر -
Modern Art Museum, Troyes
Un autre Renoir 17.06 - 17.09, 2017 Bailly Gallery is pleased to lend art pieces by Pierre-Auguste Renoir : Two oils on canvas, 'Modèle à la main... اقرأ أكثر -
Musée de l'Annonciade, Saint-Tropez
Braque et Laurens : 40 années d'amitié 10.06 - 08.10, 2017 Bailly is pleased to lend one oil on canvas by Georges Braque 'Uranie', circa 1942, as well as two works... اقرأ أكثر -
Musée de l'Hôtel de Caumont, Aix-En-Provence
Sisley l'impressionniste 10.06 - 08.10, 2017 Bailly Gallery is pleased to lend two oil on canvas by the artist Alfre Sisley, titled 'Printemps, paysanne sous les... اقرأ أكثر
Bruce Museum, Greenwich
Alfred Sisley, Impressionist Master 21.01 - 21.05, 2017 Bailly Gallery is pleased to lend two oil on canvas by the artist Alfre Sisley, titled 'Printemps, paysanne sous les... اقرأ أكثر -
Musée Louvre-Lens, France
Charles Le Brun, le peintre du Roi-Soleil 18.05 - 29.08, 2016 اقرأ أكثر -
Musée Paul-Dini, France
La couleur dans la lumière 11.10, 2015 - 07.02.2016 اقرأ أكثر -
Gustave Courbet Museum, Ornans
Sensations de Nature : De Coubert à Hartung 04.07 - 12.10, 2015 Bailly Gallery is pleased to lend an oil on canvas by Gustave Courbet and another one by Alfred Sisley, titled... اقرأ أكثر
MAS, Belgium
Exhibition May 12, 2015 اقرأ أكثر -
Pierre Arnaud Foundation, Lens
Réalisme, la symphonie des contraires 20.12, 2014 - 19.04, 2015 Bailly Gallery is pleased to lend an oil on canvas by Gustave Courbet. اقرأ أكثر -
Alte NationalGalerie, Berlin
Rembrandt Bugatti 28.03 - 27.07, 2014 Bailly Gallery is pleased to lend sculptures by Rembrandt Bugatti to Alte Nationalgalerie in Berlin. اقرأ أكثر