Brafa in the Galleries

Jan 27 - 31, 2021 

One of the leading European art and antiques fairs, BRAFA or Brussels Art Fair returns for its 61st edition. In a remarkable sale of artworks chosen for their quality and authenticity, the event will present items from antiquity to the 21st century, archaeological objects, old master and modern painting, contemporary art, sculpture, antique and much more. The fair will feature as many as 137 internationally renowned art spaces and a number of dedicated sections they're divided in. To accompany it all there will be a series of BRAFA art talks, led by many museum directors, collectors, conservators and experts. In addition to this, under the auspices of BRAFA's guest of honour Ghent Floralies, the glass ceilings of the Tour & Taxis venue will be turned into a greenhouse, featuring various eras and artistic styles and contributing to the unique flair of the Brussels Art Fair.

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