Jean-Paul Riopelle (1923-2002) Canadian
Jean-Paul Riopelle, Canadian artist, is without a doubt this multi-faceted creator who, throughout his career has perpetually reinvented his artistic practice, swaying between abstraction and figuration. The starting point of his career happens in 1945 when he meets the painter Paul Emile Borduas. Joining the Automatiste very quickly, movement advocating a non-representative and intuitive approach leading to an in-depth renewal of the artistic language, Riopelle will realise his first abstract works.
Next to Max Ernst, Zao Wou Ki, Jean Arp and Franz Kline, his reputation quickly asserted itself in 1954 through solo shows and group shows, along with his affiliation with the Pierre Matisse Gallery in New York, birthplace of the American abstract expressionism.
"When I paint, I do not hesitate and when I hesitate I do not paint" - J.P.Riopelle