19 place de Longemalle, Geneva
  • Yves Clerc : Back to Nature

    2024年6月4日 - 9月30日

     So figurative and yet so surreal, Yves Clerc's painting is a decorative splendor in which the artist defines his "painted reality". A Mannerist artist, he does not wish to imitate reality, but rather to represent a vision of the world in which his art manifests itself through the elongation of forms, the saturation of colors and the tension of postures. In this way, his work can be seen as a doorway, a place of passage between two worlds, the real and the represented.

    Yves Clerc: Back to nature is therefore an invitation to contemplate the reality represented, a reality in which the human presence allows itself to be buried beneath lush vegetation. A reality in which nature reclaims its rights.

    On view : 10 rue de l'Hôtel de Ville, 1204 Geneva

    Yves Clerc : Back to Nature